
Medijet. Aktives nCPAP-Interface

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  • Niedriger Geräuschpegel
  • Drucktrigger und Erkennung von Spontanatmung ohne zusätzlichen Sensor
  • Flexibler Adapter zur Positionierung von Prong und Maske
  • Patentierte flexible Schläuche für einfache Anwendung
  • Basiert auf dem Benveniste-Ventil mit Volumenkammer
In this video we shortly demonstrate how to correctly use the medin Medijet generator. Medijet supports spontaneous breathing of neonatal patients – premature as well as term newborn. Based on the Benveniste principle Medijet provides an adjustable constant positive pressure in the patient´s airway applicated through short binasal prongs and masks. Benefits: - Increase of FRC and improvement of lung compliance - Decrease of WOB - Less noise level Pulmonary gas transport can be improved and atelectasis prevented by nCPAP.

Leise und komfortabel

Medijet ist unser aktiver nCPAP-Generator und wird bei den medin Geräten medin-NC3, medinCNO, medinCNOmini und medinSINDI eingesetzt. Darüber hinaus kann das Interface auch mit mehreren Spezialbeatmungsgeräten kombiniert werden.

Medijet ist leiser als vergleichbare nCPAP-
Generatoren (Kirchner L, Wald M, Jeitler V, Pollak A. In vitro comparison of noise levels produced by different CPAP generators. Neonatology. 2012;101(2):95-100. doi:10.1159/0003295581​) und bietet hohen Komfort. 



Medijet erzeugt den CPAP-Druck aktiv mithilfe eines modifizierten Benveniste-Ventils (Benveniste D, Berg O, Pedersen JE. A technique for delivery of continuous positive airway pressure to the neonate. J Pediatr. 1976;88(6):1015-1019. doi:10.1016/s0022-3476(76)81066-92​), also direkt im Generator, und liefert somit den kontinuierlichen positiven Druck in den Atemwegen des Patienten ohne ein zusätzliches Ventil im NIV-Gerät. Daher ist Medijet nur mit einem Ein-Schlauch-System an das Gerät angeschlossen. Dies erleichtert die Handhabung und Lagerung des Patienten.



Medijet wird mit der benutzerfreundlichen medin Mütze am Kopf des Patienten fixiert. Mit kurzen binasalen Prongs oder einer weichen, schonenden Nasenmaske wird Medijet an der Nase des kleinen Patienten angebracht.

In vitro comparison of noise levels produced by different CPAP generators.

Kirchner L, Wald M, Jeitler V, Pollak A. In vitro comparison of noise levels produced by different CPAP generators. Neonatology. 2012;101(2):95-100. doi:10.1159/000329558


Minimization of noise exposure is an important aim of modern neonatal intensive care medicine. Binasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) generators are among the most important sources of continuous noise in neonatal wards. The aim of this study was to find out which CPAP generator creates the least noise.


In an experimental setup, two jet CPAP generators (Infant Flow® generator and MediJet®) and two conventional CPAP generators (Bubble CPAP® and Baby Flow®) were compared. Noise production was measured in decibels in an A-weighted scale [dB(A)] in a closed incubator at 2 mm lateral distance from the end of the nasal prongs. Reproduction of constant airway pressure and air leak was achieved by closure of the nasal prongs with a type of adhesive tape that is semipermeable to air.


The noise levels produced by the four generators were significantly different (p < 0.001). Values measured at a continuous constant flow rate of 8 l/min averaged 83 dB(A) for the Infant Flow® generator with or without sound absorber, 72 dB(A) for the MediJet®, 62 dB(A) for the Bubble CPAP® and 55 dB(A) for the Baby Flow®.


Conventional CPAP generators work more quietly than the currently available jet CPAP generators.

A technique for delivery of continuous positive airway pressure to the neonate.

Benveniste D, Berg O, Pedersen JE. A technique for delivery of continuous positive airway pressure to the neonate. J Pediatr. 1976;88(6):1015-1019. doi:10.1016/s0022-3476(76)81066-9